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A therapeutic effect of cbd-enriched ointment in inflammatory skin diseases and cutaneous scars.
Clin Ter. 2019 Mar-Apr;170(2):e93-e99
Authors: Palmieri B, Laurino C, VadalĂ M
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the therapeutic effect of CBD-ointment administered on severe skin chronic diseases and/or on their outcome scars.
METHODS: A spontaneous, anecdotal, retrospective study of 20 patients with two most frequent skin disorders: psoriasis (n: 5 patients), atopic dermatitis (n: 5) and resulting outcome scars (n: 10). The subjects were instructed to administer topical CBD-enriched ointment to lesioned skin areas twice daily for three months treatment.
RESULTS: Based on skin evaluations (hydration, TEWL, elasticity), clinical questionnaires (SCORAD, ADI, PASI), and supported by photographic data and investigators’ clinical assessment, the results showed that topical treatment with CBD-enriched ointment significantly improved the skin parameters, the symptoms and also the PASI index score. No irritant or allergic reactions were documented during the period treatment.
CONCLUSIONS: The topical administration of CBD ointment, without any THC, is a safe and effective non-invasive alternative for improve the quality of life in patients with some skin disorders, especially on inflammatory background.
PMID: 30993303 [PubMed – in process]
A therapeutic effect of cbd-enriched ointment in inflammatory skin diseases and cutaneous scars.
Last Update Posted: 04/18/19 06:03AM